Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hadi's message on Malaysia Day

KUALA TERENGGANU, Sept 16 : Conveying his Malaysia Day message, PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang reiterated PAS's commitment to not only maintain good relations with different communities but also to exploit the country's diversity to strengthen it in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Hadi recalled what he had said at the last PAS annual Muktamar, in which he described Malaysians as a unique and fortunate group, living among diverse ethnic groups with various races and cultures.

“And this (diversity) is enriched by the people of Sabah and Sarawak,” said Hadi in a statement in conjunction with Malaysia Day.

Saying diversity was the country's greatest strength, he warned of a catastrophic repercussion if there was any mismanagement.

“This (repercussion) is what we see after 47 years Malaysia existed amid weaknesses of leadership in UMNO and Barisan Nasional, who should have been the protector of the people and make the country stand proud among the others,” lamented Hadi.

Hadi also stressed that PAS believed in the basic principle of equal treatment for all races, and this should be defended at all costs to strengthen race relationship in the country.

“Islam stresses that the tendency to belittle other people is inherently evil and must be avoided,” he said.

“It is strange that some people claim to be pious to Allah but fail to advocate true justice (as demanded by Islam),” he added.

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