Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Al-Quran & Hadith Panduan, Musyawarah Medan Penyelesaian

Di dalam suasana bulan haji yang akan disambut tidak lama lagi yang merupakan bulan Ibadah Umat Islam seperti yang termaktub di dalam Rukun Islam kelima, Parti Islam SeMalaysia yang menjunjung Al-Quran, Hadith, Ijma’ dan Ulama, Seruan Allah Huakbar adalah seruan kami, kali ini PAS telah diheret ke kancah kontroversi dan kononnya berkrisis di dalam parti. Ini cuba diperjelaskan oleh Mursyidul AM PAS, Pesuruhjaya Kelantan yang juga Menteri Besar Kelantan. Lontaran daripada tulisan blog beliau (Tok Guru), menjadikan satu tanda tanya kepada seluruh pimpinan PAS di semua peringkat termasuk pimpinan PAS Pusat, Kawasan mahupun cawangan malah ahli-ahli di peringkat akar umbi mula menjadikan topik-topik perbincangan jika ada ruang untuk dibahaskan. Tetapi perbahasan ini tidaklah melibatkan kekalutan malah perbincangan secara ilmiah demi kepentingan parti yang telah menjangkau 58 tahun usianya.

Alhamdulillah perbincangan dan perbincangan kebanyakan Pimpinan PAS di semua peringkat termasuk ahli serta penyokongnya tidak berlandaskan hawa nafsu malah berdasarkan kepentingan parti dan Islam yang tercinta. Bak kata pepatah “Jangan Pisang Berbuah Dua Kali”. Ungkapan di atas menggambarkan jika ianya berlaku perlu ada penyelesaian yang kompleks dan sudah semesti Badan Tertinggi di dalam parti (yakni Majlis Syura bertindak) pendekatan terbaik demi kesatuan pimpinan dan ahli semua peringkat dan sudah semestinya tidak mementingkan satu dua kelompok sahaja.

Jika kepentingan ini wujud samalah seperti sebuah parti Melayu di saat kemenangan mereka bersatu tetapi di saat kekalahan mereka menjauhkan kesatuan jamaah. Sudah duduk di kerusi empuk tidak mahu lagi bersusah payah melihat dan mengimbas kesusahan para pejuang Islam yang telah syahid meninggalkan kita termasuk syahidnya para sahabat Nabi SAW ketika di medan perang demi mempertahankan Maruah Islam, Bumi Milik Umat Islam dan Keagongan Islam.

Saya sebagai Insan yang kerdil ini memohon Allah SWT membalikkan hati- hati kita supaya sentiasa patuh kepada apa yang diajarkan oleh Nabi SAW. Menjadi Al-Quran, Hadith sebagai panduan Utama(Perlembagaan) seterusnya menjadikan Ulama Silam sebagai rujukan selepas Al-Quran dan Hadith. Sememangnya jika kita lihat lanskap politik tanahair kebelakangan ini kita lihat tidak ada parti yang terselamat daripada krisis dan mengundang perpecahan. UMNO mengalami krisis kepimpinannya di zaman Dato’ Onn ketika itu apabila beliau tidak bersetuju dengan parti Melayu itu dan akhirnya menubuhkan Parti Negara. UMNO berhadapan dengan krisis dalaman di zaman Tunku Abdul Rahman menyebabkan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tersingkir daripada UMNO pada ketika dahulu. Malah UMNO mengalami krisis yang amat memalukan apabil UMNo diharamkan dan parti itu berpecah kepada dua iaitu UMNO(Baru) dan Parti Semangat 46. Begitu jugalah pemecatan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim melibatkan PKR ditubuhkan dan bersama memperjuangkan Keadilan Rakyat di negara ini khususnya.

MCA sebuah parti utama orang cina juga berkrisis sehinggakan Presiden partinya yang hanya baru memegang tampuk Ketua(Presiden) dan Timbalan Presiden bertukar tangan sehinggalah minggu lepas MCA berkrisis dan akhirnya melalui proses damai seperti tidak berdamai. Begi jugalah komponen yang lain seperti PPP, PBDS, IPF dan sebagai mengalami krisis yang amat teruk. MIC juga menghadapi krisis kepimpinan.

Walau bagaimana pun di zaman Datuk Asri Hj Muda menjadi YDP ,PAS mengalami krisis yang paling teruk dan perlu dijadikan asas dan pengajaran supaya PAS sentiasa Bersatu dan Berpadu dalam satu Jamaah.

Alhamdulillah PAS telah melalui krisis tersebut malah proses pecat ini telah berlaku di zaman Nabi Muhamad SAW dan para sahabat.

Idea sensitif sebagai contoh Negara Perpaduan hendaklah dihentikan sebagai mana persetujuan yang telah dibuat pada Muktamar PAS yang lalu(di Perak dan di Selangor).

Oleh itu marilah kita perkukuhkan Ukhuwah di dalam PAS, kerana PAS hendaklah bersiap sedia dengan stategik politik yang mantap demi memenangkan Parti pada PRU akan datang. Jika perlu ada pemimpin disingkirkan malah dipecat hendaklah pimpinan berani melakukan. Sebelum ini berlaku Musyawarah adalah jalan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan konflik ini daripada terus menjadi parah.

Kekalahan di Bagan Pinang juga mesti dijadiakn ukuran bahawa performance PAS tidak sewajarnya begitu di kala kita kukuh dengan jentera PAS, PKR dan DAP.

Jika kita lihat ianya berlaku satu tindakan yang konfrehensif hendaklah diambil.

sumber : siasahdaily

PAS leaders seek compromise to avoid EGM

malaysianinsider By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 — With no guarantee that a special muktamar would result in a definite outcome, the PAS central committee meeting tonight is expected to seek a compromise.

The idea is to appease supporters of spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat by giving in to some of the demands made by the Kelantan mentri besar.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the party will most likely take action against Selangor PAS chief Datuk Dr Hasan Ali in order to avoid convening a special muktamar, which has been described by some PAS leaders as a messy affair.

Leaders aligned to Nik Aziz are also worried that the special muktamar's outcome would not favour the Kelantan leader as was the case at the last party election when most of his men were defeated.

“They will just have to look at the source of Nik Aziz's anger, which is also the problem PAS is facing, and address it,” said a PAS insider who favours a compromise.

“Everything that happens in Selangor affects PAS's image nationwide, and Nik Aziz knows that,” he added.

Nik Aziz, in his statement calling for a special muktamar, had asked the party to get rid of leaders who he described as “problematic” and seen to favour working closely with Umno instead of strengthening Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

He had named Selangor executive councillor Hasan along with PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa and secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali as those who have made the party look inconsistent.

Nik Aziz's outburst was said to be caused by the leadership’s refusal to take action against Hasan whose actions cast doubt on PAS's sincerity in working with PR. He was disappointed when criticism against Hasan by Dr Abdul Aziz Bari was met with a strong rebuttal from party information chief Idris Ahmad.

In the commentary, Aziz, an International Islamic University law professor, questioned why no action has been taken against Hasan.

“Above all Hasan has been breaching the constitutional rule that requires a member of the government like him to abide by the collective responsibility principle. It is hard to understand why a formerly high-ranking government official like Hasan did that,” Aziz told The Malaysian Insider.

He said the article was written to explain Hasan's action from the constitutional point of view.

“No agenda behind it. In fact it was quite a shock that parts of it were picked up by Nik Aziz. Anyway as a constitutionalist I am committed to making the essence of the constitution prevail over here; I am not inclined to any political party,” said Aziz.

But some supporters of Nik Aziz will still push for a special muktamar, which can only be called if one-third of the 37 central committee members ask for one tonight.

“The target is still Nasharuddin; he named three names so he wants the three to be out,” said a source close the Kelantan mentri besar.

And for PAS leaders who favour fresh party polls, their excuse is the next general election is still years away and this is the best time for a party to strengthen itself by improving the leadership.

“There is no problem with the line-up now, but if a special muktamar is called, it allows delegates to choose even better leaders to helm the party,” said a Kedah PAS leader.

Baru Bian the right choice

malaysianmirror Sim Kwang Yang
Wednesday, 28 October 2009 06:40

COMMENT Once, I was asked by a young man who from the Sarawak PKR would be qualified to be a clean Chief Minister for the state of Sarawak?

The question is pertinent, because generally Sarawakians have been exposed to so much corruption in public life that it is hard for them to believe that politicians can be incorruptible.

My answer to that young man was simple : Baru Bian would qualify to be such an incorruptible Sarawak CM, though I expressed some reservation whether he could survive politically in the crocodile pit that is Sarawak politics.

Personally, I did not meet Baru Bian until a few months ago. Then I told him about the young man’s question and my reply.

When Baru Bian was appointed as the New Sarawak PKR chief, I was satisfied. I think it is an appointment that few Sarawak PKR supporters would question or resent.

Though I do not know Baru, he has an awesome reputation as one of those very few lawyers who actually helped the Sarawak natives where they most need the help: fighting for the NCR land rights in court for many years.

I understand he has over 100 cases in hands, and he represents the native landowners on a pro-bono basis, which means that if he loses his case, he does not get paid.

A tested politician

Most other lawyers in Sarawak would not take up those land cases, because it means going against the Sarawak state government and powerful logging and plantation interest, thereby risking the loss of wealthy clientele. Being a people’s legal warrior does require a great deal of courage, integrity and sense of dedication to others who are less fortunate.

He is also a tested politician, having contested in the election in Ba’ Kelalan and achieved very respectable support, losing by a mere 300 votes or so. Those familiar with the rotten culture of vote buying in rural Sarawak will appreciate how hard it is to lose to BN by a few hundred votes.

I hope he is better prepared and win the seat for the Sarawak PKR the next round. The poor native landowners in Sarawak badly need his knowledgeable and experienced voice in the Sarawak state assembly.

Baru Bian comes from the small indigenous community called Lum Bawangs, who dwell mostly in the mountainous region in Northern Sarawak. They are a very small minority but still Baru is a Dayak, and that should appease those former PBDS members clamouring for Dayak leadership in PKR.

To me though, Baru’s ethnicity is the least of my concern. The head of the Sarawak PKR should look after the interests and rights of all Sarawakians irrespective of race. If he becomes the new Sarawak CM, he has to be a CM for all Sarawakians.

Baru would also fit the bill of a PKR Sarawak chief because of his temperament. He is a soft spoken and gentle person, unlikely to let his ego go to his head, and from what I hear, he is a team man, and not one of those to impose their will from top to bottom.

In that way, he is suited to be the PKR front man to build the bridges across the chasm that now divides and weakens the opposition parties in that vast state.
The task ahead for Baru Bian must be a daunting one even for the bravest of souls.

The BN ruling coalition still looks and feels rock solid, especially in community control in rural remote constituencies. Their formidable machinery and their seemingly bottomless war chest are handicaps hard for PKR to overcome.

Recently, when I met the Internet writer Kim Kuek for a few drinks, he asked me how opposition candidates can win rural Sarawak seats.

One way is to do non-stop campaign throughout the non-election years, helping the villagers to solve their bread and butter problems and fighting with them on the ground against land-grabbers.

For this purpose, you need to identify the candidate very early, years before the nomination date of the general election. The candidate and his local party structure will then have to build up a wholesome network of party members and supporters throughout the constituency with regular party programmes to keep them busy.

There should also be constant training programmes for supporters and members, so that they will be effective in going back to their village and organise the farmers. In every constituency, there will be enough local problems to keep everybody fully occupied.

Not West Malaysian - one problem less

But there still remains the major problem of raising the funds to keep the party machinery going, and to contest the election. The sheer cost of moving overland and along rivers is daunting indeed.

Then, there is a very unhealthy culture among Sarawak rural voters. They do not always connect the vote with their rights; rather they see the vote as a medium of exchange for cash and other rewards. They have been corrupted for decades by political parties and their candidates in the past.

At least for now, the PKR in Sarawak has one problem less, in that their state chief is no longer a West Malaysian. Otherwise, Alfred Jabu and James Masing will never cease to harp on the old theme - like a broken record - that PKR is a West Malaysian party and therefore cannot fight for Sarawakians

But the way the opposition parties are carrying on in Sarawak, they seem more concerned about seat allocation than establishing a workable political coalition. They seem more obsessed with personal ambition and party interest than the democratic future for Sarawakians.

I seriously doubt if the Sarawak opposition leaders are really ambitious enough to think about defeating the Barisan Nasional in the next state general election. I suspect they are thinking of which seat to contest and whether the election funds will rain from the sky when the tussle nears.

Let us see what Baru Bian can do with his rag-tag army.

Notis larangan berada dalam 50 meter ditampal sekitar bangunan SUK

Wed Oct 28, 09 2:14:38 am MYT

IPOH, 28 Okt : Ketua Polis daerah Ipoh semalam telah mendapatkan perintah mahkamah bagi melarang orang awam berada 50 meter dari pagar bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan bermula pagi ini hingga malam 30 Oktober ini.

Permohonan dibuat dalam Mahkamah Majistret (1) Ipoh, Perkara Seksyen 98 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah melarang orang awam hadir atau berada dalam radius tersebut.

Ianya ekoran dakwaan bahawa satu perhimpunan tanpa permit untuk memberi sokongan kepada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Pakatan Rakyat dan Barisan Nasional akan di adakan di bangunan tersebut menjelang persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) esok.

Sehubungan itu mahkamah telah mengeluarkan notis arahan supaya orang awam tidak berada dalam lingkungan radius seperti yang dinyatakan.

Antara termasuk kawasan larangan adalah Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang, Jalan Istana dari Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Poi Lam hingga ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang dan Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab.

Larangan itu berkuatkuasa jam 1 pagi 28 Oktober hingga jam 11 malam pada 30 Oktober.

Tinjauan wartawan Harakahdaily mendapati notis arahan tersebut telah ditampal di semua bangunan yang berada dalam lingkungan kawasan larangan termasuk di pejabat perhubungan PAS Perak.

Difahamkan pihak polis juga akan mengadakan sekatan jalan raya di kesemua jalan masuk menuju ke bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan bermula pagi ini.